
And the winner is…

Published Mon 10 Jun 2024

Gareth Chee takes out this year’s Subsonix President’s trophy.

Gareth Chee, the youngest member of Subsonix, exemplifies that dragon boating is a collective endeavour, not a solo pursuit. In presenting the award, Club President Jack Salagaras said, “Despite paddling at times alongside much older teammates, Gareth is treated with equal respect and always reciprocates with a warm smile. As the lead stroke of the boat, he excels in drawing out the team’s full potential by challenging them to push their boundaries.”

When not on the water, Gareth is always eager to lend a hand. Be it storing the boat, designing a poster for the Club or delighting his team-mates with some home-baked goodies, Gareth is consistently proactive and ready to assist.

Congratulations Gareth – a well deserving winner!

Gareth Chee

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